Magical Helleborus for Me

Magical Helleborus for Me

Even in the cold months I love to go out into the garden and snoop around to see what is happening with the plants and bugs. I have a tendency to be neglectful during the holidays, but once January hits I am planning my next big project for the yard. This year we are...

Luther Burbank Home & Gardens

Luther Burbank Home & Gardens

The third local garden the boys and I explored was the Luther Burbank Home & Gardens, located in downtown Santa Rosa, CA. "Where world-renowned horticulturist, Luther Burbank, lived and experimented with plants for most of his 50-year career." I really loved this...

DIY with Beeswax: Paw Protector

DIY with Beeswax: Paw Protector

Paw protector wax is a pretty awesome gift to give those dog lovers in your life. Each ingredient has very beneficial properties such as the beeswax forms a protective barrier on your pets pads, and the coconut oil has anti bacterial properties. The Calendula oil...

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens

A very popular local magazine had published the "40 Best Ways To Celebrate Summer" in their July/ August issue. I love this magazine. We live in an area that people travel from all over the world to visit, and I only know about Target & Costco. This issue was a...

Do You Know Both Of Me?

Do You Know Both Of Me?

Turns out I am a helicopter bee mom. I went out, as I do every morning, to check on the bees. It was just becoming light outside and there was a heavy blanket of fog over the yard. I wasn’t expecting my sweet bees to be out at all, yet there they were, peeking out the...

Not A Good Time To Bug The Bees

Not A Good Time To Bug The Bees

The sun isn’t even fully up yet and I learned an important life lesson. Don’t mess with your bees first thing in the morning. I really hated this lesson. In what turned out to be a 10 minute ordeal, the lesson I learned, “Don’t mess with your bees first thing in the...

It Will Bee Time Soon

It Will Bee Time Soon

I wonder if bees can tell time. I am sure they must have a sense of time since they put themselves to bed every night. Okay, maybe that was a dumb question. They are creatures that have a very real sense of time because they prepare for the winter and that...

Lessons Learned… Probably Not

Lessons Learned… Probably Not

I will start out this story by first saying that my poor sweet pup Casper is just fine. Happy and healthy. Now we can proceed without worry. I knew it was going to happen. Casper eats everything. How he hasn’t been rushed to the emergency vet yet is truly a miracle....

The Final Time We Have To Move The Bees!!!!

The Final Time We Have To Move The Bees!!!!

Tonight is THE NIGHT! The night hubby and I do our final move of the bees to their permanent location. We have been spending what feels like forever moving them from their original location eight feet high on a trellis, to ten feet away at a lower, more manageable...

Cornerstone: Sunset Magazine’s Garden & Outdoor Test Kitchen

Cornerstone: Sunset Magazine’s Garden & Outdoor Test Kitchen

I must have passed Cornerstone Gardens a thousand times and never gave it a second glance. It's tucked away just enough from the main road that, if you're not looking for it, you could easily miss it. Although, if you are looking for it, it's hard to miss. It features...

I Can’t Wait Until I Can Stop Moving These Bees!!!!!!

I Can’t Wait Until I Can Stop Moving These Bees!!!!!!

I am very much looking forward to the day that I have finished moving the bee swarm I caught to their final spot in the garden. As you know, I had to move them from the location I caught them with the bait box, that was seven feet up on a trellis, to about ten to...

A Day Off From Moving The Bees

A Day Off From Moving The Bees

My sweet bees seemed to have a much easier time yesterday when they woke up and once again noticed they were moved two feet. I also opened up their entrance to twice the starting size. I think the colony is growing pretty fast. I see a lot of bees going in out...

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