Time To Save The Planet

I want to help save the planet. I stopped using disposable water bottles, I don’t use weed killer, and I recycle. I decided I want to step it up a notch and try the reusable wraps made with beeswax. They are good for wrapping sandwiches, halves of fruit, or even...

You’re Not On The List

I am not a fan of the rain, but I am hoping that when the sun comes out it will be a second chance at catching a swarm of bees. I am hearing from other people that the swarms are out there and they have caught a few, but my two bait boxes are being completely ignored....

For Rent To Nice Bee Family

I have zero patience. Hubby put my beebox/ baitbox up nice and high in the yard, I added a little lemongrass oil to the entrance and on the lid to attract the bees, and I stood back to watch the bees move in. Five minutes later there are still no bees. WHAT?? The box...

Two Hats On A Butterfly

The backyard is done, the two new bee colonies are settling into their new home. As far as I am concerned Spring has sprung and I am ready for Easter. Last night my partner in crime and I picked up our two new colonies and put them in their new bee boxes. We were...

The Queen Is Coming!!

Just one month away from getting our two new bee colonies! Last weekend I went to a friends birthday party and met a couple that are bee keepers as well. I had been feeling pretty down about losing all three of my colonies, but my partner in crime and I had mustered...

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