Luther Burbank Home & Gardens

The third local garden the boys and I explored was the Luther Burbank Home & Gardens, located in downtown Santa Rosa, CA. “Where world-renowned horticulturist, Luther Burbank, lived and experimented with plants for most of his 50-year career.” I really...

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens

A very popular local magazine had published the “40 Best Ways To Celebrate Summer” in their July/ August issue. I love this magazine. We live in an area that people travel from all over the world to visit, and I only know about Target & Costco. This...

You’re Not On The List

I am not a fan of the rain, but I am hoping that when the sun comes out it will be a second chance at catching a swarm of bees. I am hearing from other people that the swarms are out there and they have caught a few, but my two bait boxes are being completely ignored....

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